How the heck did you land here? :)

Monday, July 09, 2007

Arrr, no blogging for a long time now. Jimmy has been busy, damn busy! guess how?
So, there's this site that I've been working on for a longgg time. Damn, its not easy maintaining a site. The site's called (roughly translated, lawrkhawm means, a 'collection' in Mizo). Its based on digg and uses pligg (an open source thingy). So everyday, for the last few months, I scour the Web looking for news related to Mizoram and update the site. Sometimes, its not always Mizoram related but trust me, it sure takes a lot of time trying to find content that users of your site would want to vote or comment to.
Thanks to the users and some online friends like calliopia, the site is kept updated. So here's what has been happening lately:-
  • I'm starting to think if coming to Chennai was the wisest move. (grins, someone is going to laugh at me like anything!)
  • I miss home (Delhi), tired of this 'Bandit' life, moving around India, one job after the other. Want to be at home with family and be of some USE to the family.
  • Working for a start-up and product company is SURELY different, give it a try, you'll feel the pulse of it (e.g. salaries being credited on the 5th of a month)
  • Went to a highway (and a beach) they call "East Coast Road". Loved it, you'll forget marina or Gandhi beach once you're there.
  • Avoided watching Sivaji on the hall for my own selfish reasons (regret it now, should have watched it)
  • Its really cool when the Technical head (40+, US returned, knows binaries and embedded systems.... etc etc) of your company keeps asking you about "when are you getting a guitar?" He's a Tamil, loves the guitar and music, and reminded me of nanz.
There, that's all I have, Tenti isn't online these days but should've talked to her when she was. N**T has the most brilliant (and 'hatke') minds working for them, believe me.
And here's hoping that life's treating you damn well. Tinkertoon, WhenTF are you gonna call up???