How the heck did you land here? :)

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Dreamt of a strange thing last night

Man! I had one of the weirdest dreams last night. Can't recollect much of it, but here are some of the most interesting or memorable part/s
The situation: I was getting married.
No, not to one woman but to three women. And it had to be finished within a day. :p
As I was through with the ceremonies of the first wedding, which happened on the third floor of our house in Rohini, I descended the flight of steps and notice that there was a Bar cum Restaurant on the ground floor. It was quite similar to Rodeo's and I take her to the restarant and the feasts begin.
Oh! she looked beautiful. God only knows why she was wearing a bright red saree when the wedding ceremonies were conducted in christian fashion.
Can't remember much of what happened after that.
Suddenly, the dream transported me to another place. A place as surreal as Dali's paintings. Here I have my second wedding. Can't recollect the face of that woman, but I do remember her bright skin and big blue eyes. Oh, i forgot, she was wearing a burqa and she was very similar to that lady in Lucky Ali's video-can't recollect the song as of now.
As I try to lift her burqa and caress her hair, I have an itch in my neck and "Whoa! wake up Jimmy, you were dreaming." I wake up slowly, and wearily reach for my mobile and notice that it's only three in the morning.
"Some dream that was...", I thought with a smile.
I thought of firing up a cigarette and recollect the wonderful and surreal dream. But then, reality reminded me something.
"There's a client call tomorrow. Try to get some more sleep, you have to reach the office at eight."


illusions said...

Dude you are a strange man...and therefore you will have strange dreams.

Almostunreal said...

Ha ha ha, strange dream indeed. Hey, any particular meaning behind @illusion' comment? lol

NoHiddenDepths said...

@Illusions :D
AU! you'll have to ask illusions for that... :p

virgochhas said...

why are they not wearing gowns or Mizo puan?....

wide open spaces said...

Hmmm... very weird indeed...i wonder what Mr.Freud would say about it?... a glimpse of your innermost repressed psyche..? :-p

Anonymous said...

Jimmy, this is indeed a very strange dream.
According to Sigmund Freud, there are 3 types of dreams:
1. Anxiety dream
2. Punishment dream
3. Wish-fulfillment dream

So I think in your dream, you married one girl each in order to satisfy the three types???

Just kiddin...:-)

Keep dreamin... or you better catch hold of your PM, Analyst, and Veritical Head and explain what all this extra workload has done to you!

wide open spaces said...

See..told ya..Mr.Freud had an answer!!

NoHiddenDepths said...

Wonderstorm, you're reminding of the discussions we used to have. Really miss those days. :o)
Butter, Wonderstorm really knows. Seriously. *passes a wink to wonderstorm*

Anonymous said...

NHD, I want to "know" why you call butterfly, butter?

But ya, butterfly, I really like your blog n the way you have filled it with colors...

NoHiddenDepths said...

It's easier to say butter than butterfly... just an intonation thing.

benjamin rualthanzauva said...

Did you say weirdest dreams or WETest dream?