How the heck did you land here? :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

jimmy or nohiddendepths?

I'm freakingly @#@$-ng confused! "What name/nick do I use to comment on this blog?"

Tonight, I wanted to comment on a blog as nohiddendepths and then the thought that the person might not recognize me, I ended up commenting as jimmy, with a link to Crazy eh! Seriously, I'm starting to get the feeling that I might be the first case of an identity crisees in the blog world.

Now, there was a time when I had this little blog and a place where I could rant about my daily chores/'frustru' incidents, which
was 'relaxed' and OK. And then one day, I suddenly have this crazy idea of creating a site. Yeah! now that I think of it, it was CRAZY, rather IDIOTIC-that's lazy jimmy speaking for you.

Well, the whole point of this post is that the next time you see a 'jimmy' with a link to, know that it is ME, yes, your good ol' nohiddendepths/jimmy.

Looks like I already have 3 identities in the blog world - the real life Jimmy that you know in (as a) person, and well, these two online identities, jimmy and nohiddendepths :P


Mizohican said...

You forgot to mention BlackWhite and BW among your many online personality disorder cases :-P

Me too, I am facing a small crisis. I was known as illusionaire in the blogosphere. And then and came along and I used "Sandman". The name stuck. So I had two nicks for two completely different world: Sandman in the Mizo world and illusionaire in the non-Mizo world. But now those two are clashing with many of my new Blog frens from Malaysia, S.Africa, Australia etc knowing me as Sandman, since its the name I use at which I actually signed up only because of Mizo sites.... huisss.... :)

A ho ve tiraw kan buaina hi. lolz.

Anonymous said...

ho ve tak chu ni kan buaina hi LOL
But like you pointed out, it gets really confusing for other people who know you with a different nick and like you pointed out, when you participate in mizo and non-mizo forums with different nicks! LOL

Mizohican said...

I know. But atleast having different nicks for Mizo and non-Mizo forums is better than certain people I know (read: Mizo) who use a different nick for every different Mizo websites :) lolz

Calliopia said...

Schizo rap huh? Hey I just had a brilliant idea...why don't you two start up an SS online counselling centre?

*SS for Schizo Someone :P

Mizohican said...

Coming from someone called calliopia here, J there, Jewelle somewhere else, I suggest she should be the President of this counseling centre :-P

Anonymous said...

L-O-L :P

Calliopia said...

I'll have to leave that honour to a certain someone called Fadenomore, faithnomore, def_mos, Goldmember etc etc and etc :D

Mizohican said...

lolz! Was I that obvious? *GRIN*