How the heck did you land here? :)

Sunday, July 02, 2006

The man who fell asleep

So here's the URL:-

If you're into art, illustration, and photography, do visit this site. What this fellow does is replace people in real-life photographs with illustrations. It may seem like a simple idea, but yes, the results are cool.

Hello, strangers of the internet. This page is a gallery of pictures. The pictures are simple enough: the people in the photos have been digitally removed and replaced with drawings. Yeah, I know: anyone can trace a drawing. But so what? I am doing it, and you're not. You're sitting at home doing nothing. Or maybe you're surfing the web at work. I don't know. I'm not psychic.

Maybe the pictures illustrate the idea that we all want to remove ourselves from life, and replace ourselves with fictional, self-created versions of ourself. We want to fictionalise our own existence, and impose order and narrative where there is none.



Almostunreal said...

Have u tried it out?

Really interesting :)

I'll try it later

NoHiddenDepths said...

Yes i have, go ahead and give it a try. It's worth looking.