How the heck did you land here? :)

Monday, August 07, 2006

Katie "Holmes"

We met in a restaurant around dinner time. 'twas the place and time when/where you had those "Poona University" students stop by to grab their "non-homemade" dinner. As usual, I ended up placing an order for "Pomfret Fish".

As I savoured the fish and rice, SHE gave a hungry and helpless obligatory "meow".

That was Katie. A tiny, skinny, and orphan kitten. I looked at her, and gave that "oh! so cute!" smile. Finally, I smeared some pieces of the fish with my fingers and dropped them on the floor. As with all cats, she gave those casual meows as she ate, probably appreciating my gesture, and savouring the food. She was trying her best to chew the fish and I knew that she didn't have any teeth, but I guess the hunger took over. As I finished my dinner, I saw her sitting by my chair and my benevolence and instinct took over. Yes, I took her home with me.

Here's Katie playing with a "brown-colored" grasshopper :o)

She was with me for about 4 months-till the day I left Poona.

I'm not in Poona anymore, but I've been told that she still gives that shrill :meow: :meow: whenever she hears the sound of my room's door opening. :o(
I never thought that i'd love or for that matter, "like" a cat!

Hope she's doing well.

But a question still lingers, "Why was I scared to take her with me when I left Poona?"

Miss you Katie! :o)


Anonymous said...

What a pretty little thing. I'm more of a dog person than a cat person but at one time we actually had 16 cats!
Yeah right, why did you leave her behind, the poor baby.

NoHiddenDepths said...

I guess I'm a bad guy. :(
I do intend to go back to my good ol' neighbourhood some day and check her out.
Heard that she still hangs around that place as a "TopCat" :o)
Cats are stupid, cute, contrived, sweet, adorable, but cunning-my take actually. :P

Calliopia said...

Like fun you're a bad guy. Just don't make that "some day" too far away.

And how can cats be both "stupid" and "cunning"? My take on cats is that they're kind of selfish and self-centred, especially compared to dogs :)

virgochhas said...

cute cat...sweet Jimbo...

i DONT like cats...they gave me a fright...they are sooo, how do i put it, 'thriller movie' typez :D

am not a pet person, but i dont mind playing with them as long as i dotn hafta clean their crap and urine etc etc :D

Almostunreal said...

Strange as it may sound but I agree with virgo....I hate cats

Just can't stand them..especially after I saw Stephen King's movie about this chilled me to the bone

Anonymous said...

Jimmy! Cats are really very cute. My neighbor's Cat [I call him Wordsworth :)] is so sweet though he keeps spoiling all the things, running around looking for fish.

By the way, was katie playing with the brown grasshopper or eating it? :)

NoHiddenDepths said...

Nanzzzzy, I "did" read your post on Wordsworth, some story that was. :o)
BTW, Katie, or cats for that matter jump on anything that moves, cats will never eat junk food!
J, I think I was generalizing cats based on my experience with one... :P

Calliopia said...

Just one? You know, you shouldn't ever generalize, even if you feel like you've read the book, no wait, change that to wrote the book on something after a total hands-on experience :P
Btw, you had your kitty kat with you for 4 months and then you left? Hmmm I wouldn't have pegged you down for one of those love 'em, leave 'em types :D

NoHiddenDepths said...

J: While she was with me, she disappeared two times. As I had mentioned, She was a stray cat and by the time I had left she was in a position to take care of herself. So, no regrets! :o)
I know she's fine. :o)