How the heck did you land here? :)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

My first MTV video

Out of a sudden desire, decided to watch the Don't Cry music video that I had purchased some three/four years back when I was in Mizoram. It was nostalgia at its best, as Don't Cry was the first music video that I got to watch on MTV and I can vouch for the fact that Guns n Roses were a band that made many of my (non-North Eastern) friends love rock n roll or for that matter, Heavy Metal.

Before MTV, I know most of my "non-North Eastern" friends, here in Delhi knew three bands (Umm, let's say artists).

  1. Madonna
  2. Michael Jackson
  3. Wham!

Speaking of nostalgia,
  1. What song/video makes you nostalgic?
  2. What was the first video that you saw on MTV?


Jerusha said...

The first music video I saw on MTV was some Guns n' Roses song, don't remember which.
The song which never, ever fails to bring on the nostalgia's this song called 'Memories', an old song, sung by many artists including Barbra Streisand - memories, all alone in the moonlight..etc etc

NoHiddenDepths said...

@Sundancer-It was and will always be GnR... plus "Tracy", "Jim Reeves", "ABBA"- if nostalgia it is... :o)

Almostunreal said...

I guess you and your North Indian friends will always love GNR, Wham and Michael Jackson...and will always be nostalgic.

Here, if you mention 'Rock Music' you get a reply "GNR" and thats it :D

Rock nih chuan GNR ah top vek. I lo duh lutuk poh hi a lo mak love :D

NoHiddenDepths said...

lal b-te!

I'll see you in Delhi!

though I hate bands lik pa-ri- krama!

I still remember their singer saying "..our next song is November Rain" which he said with an american intonation.. !! (of course, we all know that he tried his best at the American accent!!)

Give me a break!!

BTW, in case you didn't know, Pearl Jam is my favorite all time band... PERIOD!! why? give me some time! :o)

Mizohican said...

One of the first music videos I saw that made a great impact on me was GnR's November rain. But I think the first rock music video I saw were the likes of "Love Bites" by Kiss and "Talk dirty to me" by Poison.

But I definitely saw a lot of music videos before that thanx to my three elder sisters who were completely into music. I saw videos like "You're in the army now" (dont know who sang it), lots of ABBA, "YMCA" by Village people, "Lost in love" by Air Supply, "I think we're alone now" by Tiffany etc etc.... I used to watch "Top of the Pops" with my sisters back then *GRIN*

Almostunreal said...

Parikrama sang GNR's due to demand by the ppl out here :D

I remember, that day, the ppl started to say out lou "GNR, GRN" haha

Anyway, I dont remember the first music video I saw, but whenever I watch and listen to Madonna's This used to be my playground...I felt different..lonely...nostalgic..whtever...

Calliopia said...

For the life of me, I can't recall my first MTV video but I do vividly remember the first time ever I heard the term MTV. It was circa late '81 or '82 and the reference came from a big hit of Sting's who was then just making it big with The Police. It went "I want my...I want my...I want my MTV.." and for the longest time I thought that was "I want my own TV"!


J here btw :)

NoHiddenDepths said...

my first video still has to be "Tina Turner's Live show with Bryan Adams.. sucks, eh?

Watched that "VCR cassette" with some fifteen ppl sitting in my Aunt's drawing room giving their expert comments about her and Bryan Adams and it still puzzles me as to where they got the info from-we didn't have "the net"? in those days of course.

I guess it was that good ol' SUN magazine.

BTW, this is for Almost Unreal: Do you know Agni? Eternity Minstrel? Millenium? Et Tu Brutus? Don't cuss me lady when it comes to Indian Rock!! Mai mai a!

NoHiddenDepths said...

BTW, Almost Unreal, I once told some of my friends here that I can play the guitar and well, I'd grin impishly when some of my self-confessed "rock fans" from this part of India would say "Do you know how to play Hot'e'l California?" :D

virgochhas said...

people, u impress me...i definitely did NOT remember the first music video i saw on MTv or watever...all i remembered is dat we used to watch some concerts et al on those VCR players...all rock concerts, KISS, Van Helen etc. my uncles bring it from Bangalore wen they come home on vacations ....

wat song/video make me nostalgic? ...
"Lalpa I rawngbawl a min koh hi" , the song my grandmom asked us to sing on her funeral....

Anonymous said...

hey brotherman, i googled "Eternity Minstrel" coz i was trying to look for the drummers contact details. this page came up . I was the lead guitar player in EM and live in Australia now, still play of course. it was a small thrill to see people still remembered us more than a decade later .
And bro if you think parikrama frustrates you , walk in my shoes for a couple of bounds brother : ). you can't imagine the horror of watching those posers being treated like rock royalty hehehe ! still best not to be petty and keep on that evolution treadmill eh?

Stay in tune and relentless .

NoHiddenDepths said...

Hey brother/Anon,
Thanks for dropping by, though it might have been for a different reason :)
Its cool that you still manage to play.
Its been a decade and I guess we've all moved on with our lives. We do remember you guys.


Anonymous said...

What's that smell of?
[b][url=" "]hydrocodone withdrawal[/url][/b]

Anonymous said...

Your article is very informative and helped me further.

Thanks, David