How the heck did you land here? :)

Friday, October 20, 2006

Coincidence, fate or destiny?

I had never planned to come here (in city beautiful:) nor had I planned to go to Poona. More than coincidences I have always been a believer of fate or something of what you call destiny. In college, Sam used to tell me this thing - "You are the maker of your own destiny". I could never convince Sam that destiny is what drives me and has/will take me to places where I never thought I would be.

So here I am Sam, with a story. Trying to convince you once again, as to why I believe in destiny :)

One night the film-maker Rui Guerra, was talking with his friends in a house in the interior of Mozambique. The country was at war, and so everything - from petrol to electric light - was In short supply.

To pass the time they started talking about what they would like to eat. Each of them described his or her favorite food; and when it came to Rui's turn, he said: 'I'd like to eat an apple', knowing that, because of rationing, it was impossible to find any fruit at all.

At that precise moment, they heard a noise, and a beautiful, shiny apple rolled into the room and stopped in front of him!

Later, Rui discovered that one of the girls who live there had gone out to buy some fruit in the black market. As she came up the stairs, she tripped and fell, the bag of apples she had bought split open, and one of the apple had rolled into the room.

Sam, if you say that's mere coincidence, that would be a very poor word to explain this story.


Calliopia said...

That's deepshit philosophy you're delving into, Jigme. Karma stuff and all.

Almostunreal said...

I call it 'incidence' :D. I do not believe in destiny nor fate nor coincidence and so I call it incident of life

NoHiddenDepths said...

Calliopia, I believe in "fate" and in what people call "God's touch!".
Almost Unreal, don't try to change my thoughts. I don't dream, but I believe in fate, when a falling pot from the second floor hits my head when I wasn't supposed to be there. See what I mean?

tinkertoon said...

To lend Gme some support:
“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
- Paulo Coelho

So the film-maker's case is explained thus... he wanted an apple badly and the eternal conspiracy worked in his favor..

why a similar thing wont happen if you decide to test it?, you may ask.. cos you donot want it.. or are not convinced you want it that bad...
We are most pessimistic inside our minds and hearts... so half turn non-believers in fate and the other half (believers in fate) are convinced it only works for a few film-makers sitting war-ravaged Mozambique...

of course, the golden rule remains.. you reap what you sow!

Anonymous said...

Hi ;)
heh... what crazy news!
what do you consider about it?