How the heck did you land here? :)

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Life hasn't changed much. And no, its not about calvin or hobbes.

  1. get up calvin i'm not going to call you again
  2. i bet
  3. you're going to miss the bus now get out of bed
  4. you don't know the answer then sit down
  5. hey twinky want to see if there's an afterlife
  6. no you can't go play until you finish your homework
  7. just eat your food you don't need to play with it
  8. stop stalling in get in the bathtub
  9. no you can't stay up a little longer go to bed
  10. have a good night's sleep tomorrow's another big day
  11. sighhhh


Mizohican said...

Haha. Lazy Mizo :-P

By the way, what happened to your "I cribbed a lot when I go to Pune" post? Remember I subscribe to your post feed so I recieve everything. lolz. Shall I publich it at my blog for you? haha!

Mizohican said...

I crib a lot about the time I spent in Poona.

By No Hidden Depths

I crib a lot about the time I spent in Poona. Whenever I'm asked about that place, I have a smirk, and a smile in my face.

"Poona's a great place, I loved it!'s a different thing, but I was quite lonely out there :)"
"Oh, you didn't have friends or what?"
"Yeah, kind of...I was quite lonely out there" *weary smile :)*

Now that's what 'I USED' to think of loneliness as...No friends, no family next to me.

Ironic, but when I was there, I never realized the 'so many' friends who'd call up once in a week asking me how I am, what my plans are, what they are upto.... And there I was, thinking I was lonely!

When I think of it now, I guess I was never lonely, i JUST 'felt' lonely and I was making myself THINK that I was lonely...Why? I was missing a person who never missed me. Sad eh? :`)

Mizohican said...

awwwweeee that is chooo chweeet. BlackWhite feeling senti! :)

Calliopia said...

LOL pore old jigme. And who was the person you missed who never missed you? tsk tsk tsk