How the heck did you land here? :)

Friday, October 26, 2007

Ok, so who's an asshole or a bitch?

Ans 1:
a person who says something, but does something else.
Ans 2: A person who does something and says something else.

I equate that to 'Integration/Differentiation' sometimes

Yeah, nobody likes a hypocrite....are you one?
PS: Comments NOT solicited, just...uhhh...THINK about it..K :)


Calliopia said...

What's with all the badass words all of a sudden? Somebody got sloshed and took it out on his blog again? :P

Mizohican said...

Ouch, that must have hurt :)

Well, I guess there's no such difference, but I am guessing this post did not just come out of some random thought. Awwwwww poor jim-boy. hugsieee :-P

Nandini said...

hee hee...good post :)